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VIDEO in which I explain and describe the M&NH as a guest on "Off The Beaten Track"

VIDEO #1 - Morning on the Madoc and North Hastings
VIDEO #2 - An Afternoon on the Madoc and North Hastings

Taking its name from the real Bellevile and North Hastings, which was proposed as a 3’6” gauge line, the M&NH is an “informed freelance” narrow gauge set in Central Ontario in the years around the turn of the century (19th into 20th!). Built to 3’ gauge in ¼” to the foot scale, or On3, it has evolved into an around-the-walls point to point layout with a central peninsula used as project area. The prototype influences are primarily from Eastern common carrier narrow gauge lines such as the Ohio River and Western, early EBT, and Waynesburg and Washington. Scenery is about 67% complete, and operating sessions have occurred at irregular intervals using the Switchlist program and Lenz DCC.

Almost done: the Porter-Bell 0-6-0 - started with a Flying Zoo Argent mogul,
with parts from Leadville Shops, Grandt Line, PSC and some from scratch.